Freedom of information
If you can’t find the information you need on the website or elsewhere, you can submit a freedom of information request.
Our promise to you
We are committed to openness and transparency. In line with the Information Publications Scheme, we aim to publish a broad range of information on our website to help and promote prompt and easy public access to information.
Some information that we don’t publish can be requested under the Freedom of Information Act 1982. This legislation gives individuals and organisations the right to access documents we hold, including for people who are not Australian citizens or residents. In some circumstances, you can have a representative lodge a Freedom of Information (FOI) request on your behalf.
Accessing registry information
Over time, Australian Business Registry Services (ABRS) will bring together the Australian Business Register (ABR) from the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) and more than 30 Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) registers in one place.
Both ATO and ASIC have FOI disclosure logs that list or make available documents previously released in response to FOI access requests. As many of our registry functions are transitioning from ASIC, the ASIC FOI disclosure log may still contain information of interest. Over time, more information will be made available on our website.
How to make a request
Before lodging an FOI request, check if the information you want is already available on our website or on the ATO disclosure log or ASIC disclosure log. There may be documents you can access without making an FOI request.
If you decide to make a request, you don’t need to tell us why you want the information. However, if you’re requesting information about a specific entity, we may ask for some information about you to determine whether we can give you the information you’ve requested.
Due to the volume of registers being transitioned to ABRS, decisions about FOI requests for ABRS documents are currently being made by authorised officers in the relevant agency.
To make a request, you can use the ATO’s FOI request form or you can write to us specifying:
- that your request is being made under the FOI Act
- enough information for us to identify the documents you’re requesting
- an address for us to reply to.
Email your request to or post it to:
Freedom of information
Australian Taxation Office
GPO Box 4889
For straightforward requests, you should receive an answer within 30 days. For more complex requests, we may need longer but we will talk to you beforehand.
Your rights of appeal and review are outlined on the ATO’s FOI request form.
Fees and charges
There is no application fee for an FOI request. There are also no processing charges if you request access to documents containing only personal information about you.
However, there may be charges if you are seeking documents that contain information other than personal information about you.
There is more information about fees and charges on the ATO’s FOI request form.